Thursday, May 10, 2007

April 27, 2007: Don't Pull That Offer Just Yet

The Dawg knows he will be crucified for this, but I don't think Pitt should pull recent decommit Mike Cruz's offer...

I know what you are thinking, how could I say such a thing in light of his comments in Kevin Gorman's article titled Bishop McCort TE backs off Pitt commit in the Pittsburgh Tribune? Believe me; no one was more disappointed and aggravated about his comments than me. They were total cheap shots and totally unfair. But let's have a little perspective here. The reality is that maybe the kid might have committed too early and too soon. Or he might just be exploring his options to satisfying his mother's request to look at other schools.

Fact is, he knows he made a mistake committing too early and then was put in a position to have to justify his decision to decommit. Was his calling the local newspaper and ripping his supposed "dream school" necessary as well? Of course not. Logic and common sense clearly advise against a drastic step like that, especially since it is potentially burning a bridge he might still want to cross later after he has looked at other schools. Unfortunately, logic and common sense are two characteristics not very prevalent in most teenagers. Some are granted these virtues early in life, but like most of us, they are acquired later in the maturation process of our most formidable teenage and early adult lives. Most of us are fortunate to learn from these mistakes in relative obscurity. Most recruits did as well until only a few years ago when recruiting sites like Panther Digest exploded and became what they are today.

Today college athletic recruiting is big news, especially on the internet. Which is great for all of us who are passionate fans, but we must remember it’s also making celebrities out of very young kids, and its giving them this celebrity usually overnight and complete unknowingly. Unlike professionals, or even players in college, these kids have no public relations help or experience. Many simply do not even understand that what they say to a reporter could potentially damage their image on websites and forums that didn’t even exist just five years ago.
Please understand that the Dawg does not don’t condone Mike Cruz for what he did, but I certainly think his actions should be put in more clear perspective. Like many young people, he made a rash emotional decision. Like many young people, he was also advised by his love ones to slow down and reevaluate that decision before it became binding. Unlike many young people, this whole process was also reported and discussed in public, hence the unfortunate decision to defend his actions in a local newspaper and insulting the program he had just committed to a few weeks before to justify his seemingly rash 180 turn around.

I know, many of you might be thinking the Dawg is letting Cruz off easy. But you know what? If anyone deserves to be left off easy, it’s a kid. I learned this lesson the hard way with LeSean McCoy. No on was tougher on him when he was playing up the recruiting game his senior year. I flat out stated that Pitt should withdraw his offer and never offer it again when he seemingly flip-flopped his favorite program from week to week his senior year. If I remember correctly, McCoy also had some pretty harsh criticisms of Pitt at one point as well. But it appears his knew injury and having to play prep ball for a year until he qualified provided McCoy with much needed humility.

Who is to say Mike Cruz doesn’t deserve the same second chance as well?

So, my hopes are that the football program puts this into perspective if Cruz does ultimately decide to recommit to Pitt. Should the scholarship be held for him until he ultimately decides? No. But if Pitt does have a scholarship available when and if Cruz does sincerely decide to be a Panther, it should be available to him. His scholarship offer should simply not be withdrawn out of spite. Like all kids, Cruz deserves a second chance should he want it, even if his gaffe was made in public.

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